Philosophical Topics
Philosophical Topics is a peer-reviewed, invitational journal devoted to the publication of new work in the major areas of philosophy. Each issue consists of papers addressing a single topic and maintaining the highest standard of scholarly excellence. Recent issues have been concerned with such topics as perception, ecology, philosophy of language, and misogyny. The journal is published by the University of Arkansas philosophy department and the University of Arkansas Press.
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Single issues:
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Individuals: $35.00
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Recent and Forthcoming Issues:
Volume 50, Issue 1
Inferentialism on Naturalized Grounds
Issue Editors: Matej Drobňák (University of Hradec Králové) and Jaroslav Peregrin (University of Hradec Králové)
The forthcoming issue of Philosophical Topics aims is to explore the idea of building inferentialism on naturalized grounds, to instigate discussions on how inferentialism and naturalism could be reconciled, and to investigate the synergic effects this reconciliation could have. Naturalism is understood here broadly as a philosophical viewpoint according to which philosophy should be continuous with science. The relations between inferentialism and naturalism are examined in both directions: a) how the results of scientific research in evolutionary theory, psychology (developmental, cognitive, experimental), empirical linguistics, and anthropology could support and influence the future development of inferentialism, as well as b) how the theoretical innovations of inferentialism could in turn fertilize and influence the direction of scientific research into these areas.
Introduction: Inferentialism on Naturalized Grounds
Jaroslav Pergrin and Matej Drobňák
Norms, Reasons, and Anthropological Naturalism
Hans-Johann Glock
Inferentialism Naturalized
Jaroslav Peregrin
From Tools to Rules: The Evolution of Rule Following
Bernhard Weiss
Tracking the World Down: How Inferentialism Accounts for Objective Truth
María J. Frápolli
On the Natural Ground of Discursive Cognition: Building a Heterodox Explanatory Bridge Between Philosophy and the Cognitive Sciences
Preston Stovall
Getting Ready to Share Commitments
Antonio Scarafone and John Michael
Grounds of Semantic Normativity
Diego Marconi
Ulf Hlobil
The Evolution of Reason Giving and Confirmation Bias: What Has Been Explained?
Ladislav Koreň
Wilfrid Sellars on Science and the Mind
Anke Breunig
Scientific Representation: An Inferentialist-Expressivist Manifesto
Kareem Khalifa, Jared Millson, and Mark Risjord
Family Feuds? Relativism, Expressivism, and Disagreements about Disagreement
Huw Price
Volume 49, Issue 2
Issue Editors: J. Adam Carter, Emma C. Gordon, Christoph Kelp, Jack C. Lyons, and Mona Simion (all University of Glasgow)
Contributors: Jessica Brown, Catherine Z. Elgin, Carolina Flores, Elizabeth Fricker, Sanford C. Goldberg, Alvin Goldman, John Greco, Jennifer Lackey, Errol Lord, Matthew McGrath, Carlotta Pavese, Duncan Pritchard, Robert Weston Siscoe, Tamaz Tokhadze, Timothy Williamson, Elise Woodard, Crispin Wright, Jaako Hirvelä, Maria Lasonen-Aarnio, Clayton Littlejohn, Ram Neta, Ernest Sosa
Volume 49, Issue 1
Social Visibility
Issue Editors: Matthew Congdon (Vanderbilt University) and Alice Crary (The New School for Social Research)
Contributors: Matthew Congdon, Alice Crary, Robert Gooding-Williams, Shatema Threadcraft, Anika Simpson, Paul C. Taylor, Sandra Laugier, Reginald Dwayne Betts, Lori Gruen, Susan J. Brison, Matthew Congdon, Karen Ng, David Beaver, Jason Stanley
Volume 48, Issue 2
The Political Philosophy of Socialism
Issue Editors: Pablo Gilabert and Martin O’Neill
Contributors: Samuel Arnold, Elvira Basevich, Pablo Gilabert, Carol C. Gould, Alex Gourevitch, S.M. Love, Martin O’Neill, Tom O’Shea, Christine Sypnowich, Kevin Vallier, Nicholas Vrousalis, Gabriel Wollner
Volume 48, Issue 1
Ascriptions of Consciousness
Issue Editor: Henry Shevlin
Contributors: Peter Carruthers • Jonathan Birch • Eric Schwitzgebel • Tim Bayne and Nicholas Shea • Heather Browning and Walter Veit • Patrick Butlin • Elizabeth Irvine • Kate Nicole Hoffman • Henry Shevlin • Peter Godfrey-Smith • T.D.P. Brunet and Marta Halina • Karina Vold
Volume 47, Issue 2
Emotion Regulation
Issue Editor: Trip Glazer
Contributors: Hanna Pickard, Tad Zawidzki, Razia S. Sahi, Alfred Archer and Georgina Mills, Myisha Cherry, Céline Leboeuf, James Sias, Heidi L. Maibom, Monique Wonderly, Ryan Cox, Joel Krueger and Lucy Osler, Luca Barlassina and Max Khan Hayward
Volume 47, Issue 1
Philosophy of Ecology
Issue Editors: Jay Odenbaugh and Stefan Linquist
Contributors: Gregory Cooper, Eric Dejardain, Christopher Eliot, Alkistis Elliott-Graves, Jeremy Fox, James Justus, Christopher Lean , Diane Pataki, Carolyn Trombley, Karl Cottenie, Stefan Linquist, Jay Odenbaugh, Mark Vellend
Volume 46, Issue 2
Gendered Oppression and its Intersections
Issue Editors: Kate Manne and Bianka Takaoka
Contributors: Christia Mercer, Veronica Ivy and Aryn Conrad, Mary Kate McGowan, Jules Holroyd and Jennifer Saul, Robin Dembroff, John Corvino, Elena Ruiz and Nora Berenstain, Serene Khader, Rebecca Kukla and Cassie Herbert, Ayanna Spencer and Kristie Dotson, Vanessa Wills.
Volume 46, Issue 1
Can Beliefs Wrong?
Issue Editors Rima Basu and Mark Schroeder
Contributors: Rima Basu, Simon Keller, Nomy Arpaly, Anna Brinkerhoff, Kate Nolfi, Sarah K. Paul, Jennifer M. Morton, Berislav Marušić, Stephen White, Mark Schroeder, Kristie Dotson, Endre Begby, Ryan Preston-Roedder.
Can Beliefs Wrong? – Rima Basu
Belief for Someone Else’s Sake – Simon Keller
Why Epistemic Partiality is Overrated – Nomy Arpaly and Anna Brinkerhoff
Moral Agency in Believing – Kate Nolfi
Believing in Others – Sarah K. Paul and Jennifer M. Morton
How Can Beliefs Wrong?—A Strawsonian Epistemology – Berislav Marušić and Stephen White
When Beliefs Wrong – Mark Schroeder
Accumulating Epistemic Power: A Problem with Epistemology – Kristie Dotson
Doxastic Morality: A Moderately Skeptical Perspective – Endre Begby
Three Varieties of Faith – Ryan Preston-Roedder
Volume 45, Issue 2
Philosophy of Language
Issue Editor Jason Stanley
Contributors: Luvell Anderson, Keota Fields, Justin Khoo, Carlotta Pavese, Brian Rabern, Jennifer M. Saul, Una Stojnic, Eric Swanson, Lynne Tirrell
Hermeneutical Impasses – Luvell Anderson
Intensional Liar – Keota Fields
Code Words in Political Discourse – Justin Khoo
A Theory of Practical Meaning – Carlotta Pavese
Racial Figleaves, the Shifting Boundaries of the Permissible, and the Rise of Donald Trump – Jennifer M. Saul
Omissive Implicature – Eric Swanson
Toxic Speech: Toward an Epidemiology of Discursive Harm – Lynne Tirrell
On the Connection between Semantic Content and the Objects of Assertion – Una Stojnić
A Bridge from Semantic Value to Content – Brian Rabern
Volume 45, Issue 1
Epistemology and Cognition
Edited by Jack C. Lyons and Chris Tucker
Contributors: Richard Fumerton, Alvin Goldman, Peter J. Graham, Hilary Kornblith, Gary Lupyan, Lisa Miracchi, Ram Neta, Katherine Puddifoot, Lance J. Rips, Patrick Rysiew
Epistemology and Science: Some Metaphilosophical Reflections – Richard Fumerton
What Can Psychology Do for Epistemology? Revisiting Epistemology and Cognition – Alvin Goldman
Normal Circumstances Reliabilism: Goldman on Reliability and Justified Belief – Peter J. Graham
Doxastic Justification is Fundamental – Hilary Kornblith
How Reliable is Perception? – Gary Lupyan
Epistemic Agency and the Generality Problem – Lisa Miracchi
Two Legacies of Goldman’s Epistemology – Ram Neta
Stereotyping: The Multifactorial View (Full Article PDF) – Katherine Puddifoot
Core Cognition and its Aftermath – Lance J. Rips
Veritism, Values, Epistemic Norms – Patrick Rysiew
Volume 44, Issue 2
New Directions in the Philosophy of Perception
Edited by Christopher S. Hill and Brian P. McLaughlin
Contributors: David J. Bennett, Robert Briscoe, Berit Brogaard, John Campbell, E. J. Green, Gary Hatfield, Christopher S. Hill, Geoffrey Lee, Brian P. McLaughlin, Jessie Munton, Nico Orlandi, Ian Phillips, Robert Schwartz, Lu Teng]
The Role of Spatial Appearances in Achieving Spatial-Geometric Perceptual Constancy – David J. Bennett
Depiction, Pictorial Experience, and Vision Science – Robert Briscoe
Perceptual Appearances of Personality – Berit Brogaard
The Problem of Spatiality for a Relational View of Experience – John Campbell
Representationalism and Perceptual Organization – E. J. Green
Perceiving as Having Subjectively Conditioned Appearances – Gary Hatfield
Perceptual Relativity – Christopher S. Hill
Does Experience Have Phenomenal Properties? – Geoffrey Lee
The Skewed View from Here: Normal Geometric Misperception – Brian P. McLaughlin
Visual Confidences and Direct Perceptual Justification – Jessie Munton
Bayesian Perception Is Ecological Perception – Nico Orlandi
Naïve Realism and the Science of (Some) Illusions – Ian Phillips
Perceptual Veridicality – Robert Schwartz
Cognitive Penetration, Imagining, and the Downgrade Thesis – Lu Teng
Volume 44, Issue 1
Essays on the Philosophy of Frederick Stoutland
Edited by Martin Gustafsson
Contributors: Lilli Alanen, Stina Bäckström, James Conant, Tomas Ekenberg, Anton Ford, Dorothea Frede, Martin Gustafsson, Elinor Hållén, Lars Hertzberg, Jennifer Hornsby, Jeff Malpas, Will Small, Lisa Van Alstyne
Individual issue for sale online.
Introduction – Martin Gustafsson
Self-Awareness and Cognitive Agency in Descartes’s Meditations – Lilli Alanen
Why an Aristotelian Account of Truth Is (More or Less) All We Need – Jeff Malpas
The Social Aspects of Aristotle’s Theory of Action – Dorothea Frede
Voluntarism, Intellectualism, and Anselm on Motivation – Tomas Ekenberg
Why Kant is not a Kantian – James Conant
“A Contrast between Two Pictures”: The Case of Perception – Jennifer Hornsby
On What Is in Front of Your Nose – Anton Ford
Expression and Self-Consciousness – Stina Bäckström
Bodily Movement and Its Significance – Will Small
Anscombe’s Bird, Wittgenstein’s Cat: Intention, Expression, and Convention – Martin Gustafsson
Film Noir and Weakly Intentional Actions: An Anscombian Analysis – Elinor Hållén
Theory, Interpretation, and Law: Some Worries about Dworkin’s Account of Their Relation – Lisa Van Alstyne
Stoutland vs. Metaphysics – Lars Hertzberg
Volume 43, Issue 1-2
The Evolution of Modern Metaphysics: Responses to A. W. Moore with His Replies
Edited by Edward Minar
Contributors: Pamela Sue Anderson, Anita Avramides, David R. Cerbone, Manuel Dries, Sebastian Gardner, Marnie Hughes-Warrington, Susan James, Kelly Dean Jolley, P. J. E. Kail, Gary Kemp, Robin Le Poidevin, Paul Lodge, Wayne Martin, Denis McManus, Joseph Melia, A. W. Moore, Stephen Mulhall, Graham Priest, Joseph K. Schear, Robert Stern, Thomas Uebel, James Williams, Catherine Wilson
Before, Above, Beneath, Below: Metaphysics and Science in Descartes – Catherine Wilson
Metaphysics and Empowerment: Moore on the Place of Metaphysics in Spinoza’s Philosophy – Susan James
Theodicy, Metaphysics, and Metaphilosophy in Leibniz – Paul Lodge
Moore’s Hume – P. J. E. Kail
Transcendental Idealism at the Limit: On A. W. Moore’s Criticism of Kant – Sebastian Gardner
Fichte’s Wild Metaphysical Yarn (Full Article PDF) – Wayne Martin
Hegelianism vs. Spinozism? A. W. Moore on Hegel (Full Article PDF)- Robert Stern
Once Moore Unto the Breach! Frege and the Concept ‘Horse’ Paradox – Kelly Dean Jolley
Wittgenstein, Moore, and the Allure of Transcendental Idealism – Denis McManus
Adrian Moore’s Wittgenstein (Full Article PDF) – Stephen Mulhall
Making Sense of Anti-Metaphysics: On Moore on Carnap – Thomas Uebel
Quine: Underdetermination and Naturalistic Metaphysics – Gary Kemp
Lewis: Metaphysics in the Service of Philosophy – Joseph Melia
Dummett: The Logical Basis of Metaphysics – Anita Avramides
Metaphysician, Philosopher, Psychologist?—Making Sense of Nietzsche’s Sense-Making – Manuel Dries
Bergsonian Intuition: A Metaphysics of Mystical Life – Pamela Sue Anderson
Making Sense of Phenomenological Sense-Making: On Moore on Husserl (Full Article PDF) – David R. Cerbone
Phenomenology and Metaphysics: On Moore’s Heidegger – Joseph K. Schear
Metaphysics as History, History as Metaphysics – Marnie Hughes-Warrington
Stop Making Sense – Graham Priest
Gilles Deleuze and A. W. Moore: Nonhuman Constructivism or Anthropocentric Narrative in Metaphysics – James Williams
Moore’s Conception of Metaphysics (Full Article PDF) – Robin Le Poidevin
Replies – A. W. Moore
Volume 42, Issue 2
Contemporary Tractatus
Edited by Edward Minar
Contributors: Edmund Dain, Cora Diamond, Eli Friedlander, Martin Gustafsson, Kelly Dean Jolley, Oskari Kuusela, Denis McManus, Jean-Philippe Narboux, Thomas Ricketts, Sanford Shieh, Jônadas Techio.
Individual issue for sale online.
Eliminating Ethics: Wittgenstein, Ethics, and the Limits of Sense – Edmund Dain
Addressing Russell Resolutely? – Cora Diamond
Missing a Step Up the Ladder – Eli Friedlander
Wittgenstein and “Tonk”: Inference and Representation in the Tractatus (and Beyond) – Martin Gustafsson
Resolute Reading – Kelly Dean Jolley
The Method of Language-Games as a Method of Logic – Oskari Kuusela
Austerity, Psychology, and the Intelligibility of Nonsense – Denis McManus
Showing, the Medium Voice, and the Unity of the Tractatus – Jean-Philippe Narboux
Analysis, Independence, Simplicity, and the General Sentence-Form – Thomas Ricketts
In What Way Does Logic Involve Necessity? – Sanford Shieh
Solipsism and the Limits of Sense in the Tractatus – Jônadas Techio
Volume 42, Issue 1
The Second Person
Edited by James Conant and Sebastian Rödl
Contributors: Fabian Börchers, Stephen Darwall, Monika Dullstein, Anton Ford, Wolfram Gobsch, Adrian Haddock, David Lauer, Benjamin McMyler, Alexandra Newton, Sebastian Rödl, Glenda Satne, Will Small, Jeremy Wanderer, and Ariel Zylberman.
Individual issue for sale online.
Introduction – James Conant and Sebastian Rödl
Action and Passion – Anton Ford
What Binds Us Together: Normativity and the Second Person – Glenda Satne
Alethic Holdings – Jeremy Wanderer
The Transmission of Skill – Will Small
For Oneself and Toward Another: The Puzzle about Recognition – Matthias Haase
The Very Thought of (Wronging) You – Ariel Zylberman
The Idea of an Ethical Community: Kant and Hegel on the Necessity of Human Evil and the Love to Overcome It – Wolfram Gobsch
The Social and the Sociable – Stephen Darwall
Theoretical Anarchism – Benjamin McMyler
Darwall on Action and the Idea of a Second-Personal Reason – Fabian Börchers
Kant on Testimony and the Communicability of Empirical Knowledge – Alexandra Newton
Testimony and Generality – Sebastian Rödl
Understanding Others in Social Interactions – Monika Dullstein
What Is It to Know Someone? – David Lauer
On Address – Adrian Haddock
Volume 41, Number 2
Envisioning Plurality: Feminist Perspectives on Pluralism in Ethics, Politics, and Social Theory
Issue Editors: Jean Keller, Bonnie Mann
Contributors: Paria Gashtili, Kim Q. Hall, Fulden Ibrahimhakkioglu, Shari Stone-Mediatore , Scott L. Pratt, Alison Reiheld, Lisa Tessman, Jennifer Lisa Vest, Allison Weir, Shay Welch
Individual issue for sale online.
Why a Feminist Volume on Pluralism? – Bonnie Mann and Jean Keller
Indigenous Agencies and the Pluralism of Empire – Scott L. Pratt
What Would Philosophic Pluralism Look Like?: True Dialogue, Epistemic Credibility, Rational Parity, and Death in the University – Jennifer Lisa Vest
Asking Too Much? Civility vs. Pluralism – Alison Reiheld
Attending to Others: Simone Weil and Epistemic Pluralism – Shari Stone-Mediatore
Islamic Feminisms and Freedom – Allison Weir
Is an “Islamic Feminism” Possible?: Gender Politics in the Contemporary Islamic Republic of Iran – Paria Gashtili
Beyond the Modern/Religious Dichotomy: The Veil and Feminist Solidarity in Contemporary Turkey – Fulden Ibrahimhakkioglu
Philosophy, Religion, Race, and Queerness: A Question of Accommodation or Access – Kim Q. Hall
Value Pluralism, Intuitions, and Reflective Equilibrium – Lisa Tessman
Radical-cum-Relation: Bridging Feminist Ethics and Native Individual Autonomy – Shay Welch
Volume 41, Number 1
Issue Editors: Edoardo Zamuner and Timothy O’Leary, University of Hong Kong
Contributors: Carlotta Capuccino, Timothy Chappell, Chris Fraser, David B. Wong, Lorraine Besser-Jones, Julien A. Deonna, Fabrice Teroni, Sabine Döring, Eva-Maria Düringer, Antti Kauppinen, Jason R. Raibley, Laura Sizer, Edoardo Zamuner
I. Ancient Perspectives in Eastern and Western Philosophy
Happiness and Aristotle’s Definition of Eudaimonia – Carlotta Capuccino
Eudaimonia, Happiness, and the Redemption of Unhappiness – Timothy Chappell
Happiness in Classical Confucianism: Xúnzıˇ – Chris Fraser
On Learning What Happiness Is – David B. Wong
II. Modern and Contemporary Perspectives
The Pursuit and Nature of Happiness – Lorraine Besser-Jones
What Role for Emotions in Well-being? – Julien A. Deonna and Fabrice Teroni
Being Worthy of Happiness: Towards a Kantian Appreciation of Our Finite Nature – Sabine Döring and Eva-Maria Duringer
Meaning and Happiness – Antti Kauppinen
Values, Agency, and Welfare – Jason R. Raibley
The Two Facets of Pleasure – Laura Sizer
Happiness, Consciousness, and the Ontology of Mind – Edoardo Zamuner
Volume 40, Number 2
Guest Editor: Richard Brown
This volume includes papers from participants of the 4th Online Consciousness Conference held February 17th through March 2nd 2012 at Consciousness Online. The essays range over issues in self-knowledge and mental state ascriptions, physicalism and conceivability arguments, and higher-order theories of consciousness. The contributors are Peter Carruthers, Logan Fletcher, Brendan Ritchie, James Dow, Myrto Mylopolous, Mark Phelan, Wesley Buckwalter, Justin Sytsma, Barbara Montero, Janet Levin, Miguel Angel Sebastian, Richard Brown, and Pete Mandik.
On Whether the Higher-Order Thought Theory of Consciousness Entails Cognitive Phenomenology, Or: What Is It Like to Think That One Thinks That P? – Richard Brown and Pete Mandik
The Evolution of Self-Knowledge – Peter Carruthers, Logan Fletcher, and J. Brendan Ritchie
Mindreading, Mindsharing, and the Origins of Self-Consciousness – James M. Dow
Do Conceivability Arguments against Physicalism Beg the Question? – Janet Levin
Irreverent Physicalism – Barbara Gail Montero
Evaluating the Case for the Low-Level Approach to Agentive Awareness – Myrto Mylopoulos
Analytic Functionalism and Mental State Attribution – Mark Phelan and Wesley Buckwalter
Experiential Awareness: Do You Prefer “It” to “Me?” – Miguel Ángel Sebastián
Revisiting the Valence Account – Justin Sytsma
Volume 40, Number 1
Rethinking Inequality
Issue Editors: Monique Deveaux and Patti Tamara Lenard
Rising economic inequality in advanced industrialized states—its causes and consequences—is a problem much studied by social epidemiologists, urban studies scholars, economists, sociologists, and political scientists. Yet, philosophers, even social and political philosophers, are not known for grappling with research and empirical data from the “hard” social sciences. Contributions to this issue of Philosophical Topics, edited by Monique Deveaux and Patti Tamara Lenard, take the evidence of rising inequality and its harms seriously and consider the implications for egalitarian political and moral theory. Contributors include: Richard Arneson, Nyla R. Branscombe, Derrick Darby, Joseph Fishkin, Alex Gourevitch, Erin I. Kelly, Eszter Kollar, Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, Kristi A. Olson, Daniele Santoro, and Fabian Schuppert.
Rethinking Inequality: Introduction – Monique Deveaux and Patti Tamara Lenard
Egalitarianism and Perceptions of Inequality – Derrick Darby and Nyla R. Branscombe
The How of Unequal Opportunity – Joseph Fishkin
Our Choices, Our Wage Gap? – Kristi A. Olson
Desert and Fairness in Criminal Justice – Erin I. Kelly
Not by Bread Alone: Inequality, Relative Deprivation, and Self-Respect – Eszter Kollar and Daniele Santoro
Suffering from Social Inequality: Normative Implications of Empirical Research on the Effects of Inequality – Fabian Schuppert
Democratic Egalitarianism versus Luck Egalitarianism: What Is at Stake? – Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen
Debt, Freedom, and Inequality – Alex Gourevitch
Rethinking Luck Egalitarianism and Unacceptable Inequalities – Richard Arneson
Volume 39, Number 2
Hannah Arendt
Issue Editors: Irene McMullin and Karin Fry
Contributors: Roger Berkowitz, Daniel Cole, Karin Fry, Liisi Keedus, Heath Massey, Irene McMullin, Natalie Nenadic, Serena Parekh, Fanny Söderbäck, Robin Weiss
This issue of Philosophical Topics is dedicated to the work of Hannah Arendt and demonstrates the disciplinary breadth and applicability to recent world-political events that characterize her thought – touching on topics as diverse as the Iraq war, education, the nature of temporality and memory, genocide, Pragmatism, and the conflict between the public and the private domains. The collection focuses on central as well as rarely explored themes in her work, providing both an overview of contemporary Arendt scholarship and a window into the complexity and continuing relevance of this thinker’s extraordinary body of work. The issue is edited by Irene McMullin and Karin Fry. Contributors include: Roger Berkowitz, Daniel Cole, Karin Fry, Liisi Keedus, Heath Massey, Irene McMullin, Natalie Nenadic, Serena Parekh, Fanny Söderbäck, and Robin Weiss.
Volume 39, Number 1
Contributors: Diego Cosmelli, Shaun Gallagher, Robert Hanna, Julian Kiverstein, Barbara Gail Montero, Mark Rowlands, Robert D. Rupert, Lawrence A. Shapiro, Shannon Spaulding, Evan Thompson
Explorations of the ways in which the mind is embedded in its environment, embodied, and enactive have been a central strand in recent philosophy of mind. Papers explore issues surrounding the embodiment of cognition, consciousness, and intentionality from a variety of perspectives. Authors include Shaun Gallagher, Robert Hanna, Julian Kiverstein, Barbara Gail Montero, Mark Rowlands, Robert D. Rupert, Lawrence A. Shapiro, Shannon Spaulding, and Evan Thompson and Diego Cosmelli.
Volume 38, Number 2
Moral Disagreement
Issue Editor: John K. Davis
Disagreement has long been important to moral philosophy; according to the argument from disagreement, persistent moral disagreement is evidence that moral realism is false, thus either relativism, expressivism, or error-theory are true. However, the moral disagreement debate is now expanding to new issues, including questions about moral epistemology and peer disagreement, whether cognitivism can accommodate the phenomenon of persistent disagreement without relativism, and whether the demands of morality can be reconciled with epistemic humility in the face of peer disagreement. –Moral Disagreement– collects eight new papers on these and related topics by Tim Dare, John K. Davis, Christopher W. Gowans, Sarah McGrath, C. Thi Nguyen, Denis Robinson, Christine Swanton, and Folke Tersman.
Sarah McGrath (Princeton), “Moral Realism without Convergence”, in Moral Disagreement, guest edited by John K. Davis, 38, 2 (Fall 2010), pp. 59-86. (Download PDF)
Volume 38, Number 1
Philosophical Topics 38(1), “Ethics”, features papers on a variety of topics in ethics. Contributions explore the relations between moral theory and moral practice and the nature of moral discourse in relation to moral disagreement and conflicts of value.
Contributors include: Christopher Cowley (University College Dublin), Alice Crary (New School for Social Research), Cora Diamond (Virginia), Joshua Gert (William & Mary), David Levy (Edinburgh), Judith Lichtenberg (Georgetown), Sabina Lovibond (Worcester College, Oxford), Nigel Pleasants (Exeter), Duncan Richter (Virginia Military Institute), and Kieran Setiya (Pittsburgh).
Volume 37, Number 2
Global Gender Justice
Guest Editor: Alison M. Jaggar, University of Colorado
Issues of global gender justice, because of their virtually universal extent, possess great moral and political urgency. As a result, they present new challenges in political philosophy, both with respect to specific ways in which contemporary global institutions and policies have disparate and burdensome consequences for specific groups of women and with respect to questions of how elements of gender bias may affect central categories used in discussions of global justice. The papers in this volume address many dimensions of these challenges. Contributors include Brooke Ackerly, Linda Alcoff, Gillian Brock, Thom Brooks, Ann Ferguson, Alison Jaggar, Eva Kittay, Ruth Macklin, Vandana Shiva, and Rachel Silvey. A critical introduction by Professor
Jaggar is included.
Volume 37, Number 1
Perception and Intentionality.
Issue Editor: Alan Thomas
Contributors: David Bain, Paul Coates, Richard Gaskin, Adrian Haddock, Marie McGinn, Michael Morris, Ram Neta, Paul Snowdon, Alan Thomas, Rachael Wiseman
This volume includes essays on a variety of issues growing out of John McDowell’s influential Mind and World. These issues include the nature and content of perception, the role of imagination therein, the conditions for a “minimal empiricism,” and the nature of the self.
Volume 36, Number 2
On Between Saying and Doing
Contributors: Robert Brandom, Paul Horwich, John McDowell, John MacFarlane, Jaroslav Peregrin, Huw Price, Sebastian Rödl, Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer
Papers commenting on Robert Brandom’s 2006 Locke Lectures, now published as Between Saying and Doing: Towards an Analytic Pragmatism. Commentators are John McDowell, John MacFarlane, Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer, Huw Price, Jaroslav Peregrin, and Sebastian Rödl. Also included are an overview essay by Brandom and his responses to the commentators and additional essays on topics related to his work.
Volume 36, Number 1
Pragmatism and Contemporary Philosophy
Issue Editor: Steven Levine
Contributors: Barry Allen, Maria Baghramian, Richard J. Bernstein, William Blattner, Russell B. Goodman, Susan Haack, Philip Kitcher, Alexander Klein, Steven Levine, David Macarthur, Sami Pihlström, Teed Rockwell, T. L. Short
This issue charts the variety of ways that pragmatism is being taken up by contemporary thought and thus demonstrates the continuing vitality of this tradition. The volume includes articles by Barry Allen, Richard J. Bernstein, William Blattner, Russell Goodman, Susan Haack, Philip Kitcher, David Macarthur, Sami Pihlström, and others.
Volume 35, Numbers 1 and 2
Issue Editors: Barry Ward and Eric Funkhouser
Contributors: Matthew J. Barker, Alexander Bird, Ingo Brigandt, Michael Dickson, J. L. Dowell, Matti Eklund, Ronald P. Endicott, Sean Foran, Carl Gillett, Marc Lange, Barry Loewer, Daniel Nolan, David Robb, Alan Sidelle, Scott Soames, Amie L. Thomasson, Peter van Inwagen, Barry Ward, Robert A. Wilson, D. Gene Witmer
This double issue on metaphysics has two sets of themes, each central in contemporary analytic metaphysics. The first emphasizes concerns with methodology. The second involves kinds and related issues, embracing such topics as essentialism, reduction, natural properties, and the nature of particular kinds such as disease and species. Authors on the methodology of metaphysics include Michael Dickson (University of South Carolina); Janice Dowell (University of Nebraska) and Sean Foran (Bowling Green State University); Matti Eklund (Cornell University); Ned Hall (Harvard University); Daniel Nolan (University of Nottingham); Alan Sidelle (University of Wisconsin); Chris Swoyer (University of Oklahoma); and Peter van Inwagen (University of Notre Dame). Authors on kinds include Alexander Bird (University of Bristol); Ronald Endicott (North Carolina State University); Carl Gillett (Northern Illinois University); Marc Lange (University of North Carolina); Barry Loewer (Rutgers University); David Robb (Davidson College); Scott Soames (University of Southern California); Amie Thomasson (University of Miami); Robert Wilson (University of Alberta), Matthew Barker (University of Wisconsin) and Ingo Brigandt (University of Alberta); and Gene Witmer (University of Florida).
Volume 34, Numbers 1 and 2
Analytic Kantianism
Issue Editor: James Conant
Contributors: Robert Brandom, Eli Friedlander, Michael Friedman, Hannah Ginsborg, Arata Hamawaki, Andrea Kern, Michael Kremer, Thomas Land, Thomas Lockhart, Béatrice Longuenesse, John McDowell, A.W. Moore, Sebastian Rödl, and Clinton Tolley.
Volume 33, Number 2
Issue Editors: Randall Havas and Edward Minar
Contributors: Maria Alvarez, Jessica N. Berry, Richard Bett, Robert Guay, Randall Havas, Brian Leiter, David Owen, Bernard Reginster, Aaron Ridley, Richard Schacht, and Tracy B. Strong
Volume 33, Number 1
Contributors: Tyler Burge, Alex Byrne, John Campbell, Jonathan Cohen, David Hilbert, James John, Jack Lyons, Mohan Matthen, Alva Noë, Susanna Siegel, Paul F. Snowdon, Charles Travis, and William H. Warren.
Volume 32, Number 1 and 2

Individual issue for sale online.

Issue Editor: John M. Fischer
Contributors: Richard J. Arneson, Michael E. Bratman, John Ross Churchill, Randolph Clarke, Andrew Eshleman, Carl Ginet, Christopher Grau, Ishtiyaque Haji, Noa Latham, Michael McKenna, Alfred R. Mele, Dana Nelkin, Timothy O’Connor, Marina Oshana, Derk Pereboom, Paul Russell, Ira M. Schnall, Angela M. Smith, Daniel Speak, Galen Strawson, Manuel Vargas, Kadri Vihvelin, R. Jay Wallace, Henrik Walter, and Gideon Yaffe.
Volume 31, Numbers 1 and 2
Modern Philosophy
These eighteen essays focus on the founders of modern philosophy, including the rationalists, the empiricists, and Kant.
Issue Editors: Justin Broackes, Christopher S. Hill and Alison Simmons
Contributors: John Broughton, John Carriero, Edwin Curley, Michael Della Rocca, Don Garrett, Paul Guyer, Gary Hatfield, Nicholas Jolley, Patricia Kitcher, Samuel Level, Paul Lodge, Louis E. Loeb, Marleen Rosemond, Donald Rutherford, Alison Simmons, James van Cleve, Allen Wood Gideon Yaffe
Volume 30, Number 2
Global Inequalities
Issue Editors: Martha C. Nussbaum and Chad Flanders
Contributors: Michael Blake, Lawrence Blum, Allen Buchanan, David A. Crocker, Noah Feldman, Chad Flanders. Robert E. Goodin, Michael J. Green, Otfried Höffe, Alison M. Jaggar, Martha C. Nussbaum, Thomas C. Pogge
Volume 30, Number 1
Identity and Individuation
Contributors: Joseph Almog, Lynne Rudder Baker, John Hawthorne, Mark Heller, Eli Hirsch, Mark Johnston, Joel Katzav, Eric T. Olson, Carol Rovane, Nathan Salmon, Alan Sidelle, Theodore Sider, and Dean W. Zimmerman
Volume 29, Numbers 1 & 2
The Philosophy of Alvin Goldman
Board of Governors Professor of Philosophy at Rutgers University. He works primarily in epistemology, philosophy of the cognitive sciences, and the philosophy of mind.
Issue Editors:
Christopher Hill, Hilary Kornbluth, and Tom Senor
William P. Alston, Robert Audi, Laurence BonJour, Thomas Christiano, Paul M. Churchland, Jules L. Coleman, Martin Davies, Alvin Goldman, Robert M. Gordon, Jane Heal, David Henderson, Terry Horgan Philip Kitcher, Larry Laudan, Brian Leiter, William G. Lycan, Shaun Nichols, Frederick F. Schmitt, Ernest Sosa, Dan Sperber, Stephen Stich, Tony Stone, Barry Stroud, Jonathan M. Weinberg
Volume 28, Number 2
Contributors: Dorit Bar-On, John Campbell, Tim Crane, Kevin Falvey, Andre Gallois, Brie Gertler, Michael S. Gordon, Eric Lormand, Shaun Nichols, David Rosenthal, Eric Schwitzgebel, Sydney Shoemaker, Robert Van Gulick
Volume 28, Number 1
Contributors: John Collins, Achille C. Varzi, B. Jack Copeland, Dorothy Edgington, Delia Graff, Paul Horwich, Rosanna Keefe, Stephen Leeds, Vann McGee, Brian P. McLaughlin, Diana Raffman, Roy Sorensen, Michael Tye, Miroslava Andjelković, and Timothy Williamson.