Das Arkansas Echo: A Year in the Life of Germans in the Nineteenth-Century South by Kathleen Condray has been reviewed by Chris Stohs in the Friends of the Max Kade Institute for German-American Studies Newsletter.
“Kathleen Condray’s Das Arkansas Echo: A Year in the Life of Germans in the Nineteenth-Century South,” Stochs writes, “is an ambitious book. In it, Condray summarizes all the news printed by the Arkansas Echo in 1892, the entire inaugural year of this German-language weekly from Little Rock. Condray’s scope is broad; much can happen in a year, and the Echo’s editors had eclectic interests. … it should prove to be an important reference book for readers interested in the history of Arkansas and German Americans in the South and family historians.”
The Newsletter of the Friends of the Max Kade Institute for German-American Studies is published three times a year at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.
Das Arkansas Echo is part of the Arkansas History Series from the University of Arkansas Press.