The Ku Klux Klan in 1920s Arkansas Reviewed in the Journal of Southern History
“As the KKK’s ideas reverberate today, this book is essential reading for teachers and public officials.”
“As the KKK’s ideas reverberate today, this book is essential reading for teachers and public officials.”
“Shores importantly elucidates in public the queer presences that Finger himself could only encode aslant or suppress in his lifetime.”
“[A] brave, honest, and wise accounting of the inherent worth of a woman’s life and her magnificent power to adapt and thrive.”
“An important addition to our historical understanding of rural, southern Black women.”
“Milson’s entertaining book will be a welcome read to anyone interested not only in Arkansas but also in the social, economic, and environmental history of the early nineteenth- century South.”
“…just the thing to share with children in the weeks leading to a planned visit to Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art.”