Dec 8, 2020 | News, Review, Sport, Sports Studies
“New Orleans Sports is an excellent book overall. It is well written and well researched, and it provides easily digestible insights from several leading scholars of sport history.”
Nov 2, 2020 | Poetry and Literature, Review
The Chemistry of Fire: Essays by Laurence Gonzales, “treats the reader to an amazing alchemy of wordsmithing as Gonzales creates magic in prose,” writes Booklist in a spectacular new review.
Oct 22, 2020 | Poetry and Literature, Review
“As a Palestinian writer, sometimes I am afraid no one will care what I have to say outside of my marginalization — every poem must be about the occupation, must be about expulsion. I fear in reading Abughattas’s work, I’ve zeroed in on those moments, despite poems...
Aug 27, 2020 | Poetry and Literature, Review
“Reflective essays explore what it means to be human. Whether he’s swimming in an underwater cave or touring a NASA center in Huntsville, Alabama, ‘a kind of hillbilly heaven,’ these savvy essays are a pleasure. An appealing collection about all the ‘rough and joyful...
Jul 28, 2020 | Poetry and Literature, Review
Maha Ahmed has reviewed A Theory of Birds: Poems by Zaina Alsous in The Adroit Journal. A Theory of Birds, Ahmed writes, is “a poetry collection that insists, in a world where the relentless Palestinian question of return exists alongside the marketed...
Jul 21, 2020 | Arkansas and the Region, Chronicles of the Ozarks, Review
Yesterday Today: Life in the Ozarks, Catherine S. Barker’s 1941 book drawing on her encounters and experiences as a federal social worker in the backwoods of the Ozarks in the 1930s, has been reviewed in the Missouri Historical Review. “Unlike Vance Randolph and other...