Twenty Acres Reviewed in the Missouri Historical Review
Sarah Neidhardt’s “Twenty Acres will help scholars consider harder questions about the complicated legacy of” the back to the land movement.
Sarah Neidhardt’s “Twenty Acres will help scholars consider harder questions about the complicated legacy of” the back to the land movement.
“Harper’s dogged research in archives, court records, and newspapers across the central and southern heartland … “
“A compelling biography that delves into the life of a pioneering journalist who shaped the Ozarks and beyond.”
“Good stories are to be cherished and shared. They also help us understand ourselves and our communities.”
“…exposes the seedy underbelly of Boatright’s criminal influence on the otherwise idyllic Midwest at the dawn of the 20th century.”
“A wonderful, rewarding family memoir that will resonate both for elder veterans of the sixties and seventies ‘back to the land’ counter culture.”