Announcing the Forthcoming Reissue of The Woods Colt
New in the Chronicles of the Ozarks series.
New in the Chronicles of the Ozarks series.
Patti McCord and Kristene Sutliff at last bring together the best of McCord’s published and previously unpublished writings.
New from the Chronicles of the Ozarks Series.
Published just days before America’s entry into World War II, Ozark Country is Otto Ernest Rayburn’s love letter to his adopted region.
Published just days before America’s entry into World War II, Ozark Country is Otto Ernest Rayburn’s love letter to his adopted region. One of several chronicles of the Ozarks that garnered national attention during the Depression and war years, when many Americans craved stories about people and places seemingly untouched by the difficulties of the times, Rayburn’s colorful tour takes readers from the fictional village of Woodville into the backcountry of a region teeming with storytellers, ballad singers, superstitions, and home remedies.