Proudly We Speak Your Name

Forty-four Years at Little Rock Catholic High School
Michael Moran
Cloth April 2009 / Paper November 2016

Available In:

Paper: $17.95 (978-1-945624-04-9)
Cloth: $24.95 (978-1-935106-07-4)


“I learned more about English literature at Catholic High than in all my classes at Princeton.”
—Actual comment by a 2003 graduate of LRCH who requests that his name be withheld until his sheepskin is awarded by that school in Princeton, New Jersey

In April 2009 alumni and friends of Catholic High School for Boys will gather to toast and roast a favorite of the school’s legendary faculty, Michael Moran, the author of Proudly We Speak Your Name. Only a stoic could complete a reading without a teary-eyed moment or two and many belly laughs. Faculty idiosyncrasies are recalled in this memoir, as are student antics. If it can happen within the walls of an all-boys high school, the author has probably seen it in his forty-one years of teaching. And he has probably reported on it in this book, which was written during his first year of “retirement.” While the spirit is often light, Moran’s book ends with a stirring tribute to the man who, though departed, still epitomizes the spirit of the place, the man whose name is now given to the school’s street, Father George Tribou. Readers will leave Moran’s account glad for the experience of following in his (remembered) footsteps.

First published in hardcover in 2009, this perennial bestseller is now available in an attractive paperback edition.

Michael Moran was a student at the original campus of Little Rock Catholic High School for Boys. A few years following graduation, he returned as a junior member of the faculty. He estimates that he has taught seven thousand young men during his forty-one years teaching English. A native of Kirkwood, Missouri, Moran lives in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Distributed for the Butler Center for Arkansas Studies.